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Cloisonné Bracelets 7mm Floral Enamel Brass Body Art Available in Seven Different Colors, Cloisonné Bracelets Bangles, Stackable Bracelets
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vintage cloisonne floral enamel
vintage cloisonne floral enamel
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3,269 results
Vintage Chinese Enamel Cloisonne and Red Floral Enamel Cloisonne Rings
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Butterfly Floral Necklace
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Brooch Cloisonne Floral Pin
Vintage Enamel Cloisonne Aqua Floral Bangle Bracelet
Women’s Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Belt
Vintage Chinese Export Cloisonne Knotted Floral Bead Necklace, Cloisonné Jewelry, Cloisonne Enamel
Vintage Enamel Cloisonne Aqua Blue Floral Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Cloisonné enamel Clamp Bracelet Cloisonné jewelry Butterfly Cloisonné Floral cloisonné bracelet Gold Tone
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet
Fish & Crown cloisonne enamel floral brooches
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Floral Cloisonne Enamel Hinged Bracelet
Vintage Enamel Chinese Cloisonne Hinged Bangle Bracelet Floral Leaf
5 Vintage Chinese Enamel Cloisonne Floral Bangle Bracelets Multicolored
Vintage Floral Cloisonne Enamel Pendant Necklace
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Drop Earrings
Vintage 80s Cloisonné Enamel Container Necklace Red Floral Cloisonné Pendant
Cloisonne Bead Necklace, Cloisonne Necklace, Cloisonne Choker, Floral Cloisonne Beads, Vintage Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Bead Necklace
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Red Floral Drop Dangle Pierced Earring
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Drop Earrings
Vintage cloisonne enamel bead necklace in floral pattern 8mm*18
Large Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Floral Pendant
1970's Vintage Cloisonne Ivory Floral Enamel Necklace with Floral Drop Cloisonne Earings
Vintage blue floral cloisonné enamel bangle bracelet
Cloisonne Enamel Floral White Hinged Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Denim Blue Enamel Cloisonné necklace Floral
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Drop Earrings
Sterling Silver Cloisonné Enamel Hexagon Box Floral
Cloisonne Enamel Barrel Floral Bead Chinese Necklace
Vintage blue floral cloisonné enamel bangle bracelet
Floral Cloisonné earrings Enamel floral earrings Cobalt blue enamel clip on
2 Vintage Cloisonné Hair Combs Colorful Enamel Floral Set Gold Tone
Vintage Black Cloisonné Bangle Bracelet Thick Colorful Floral Enamel Oriental
Vintage Cloisonne Floral Earrings Gold Tone Dangle Hibiscus Enamel Unique Bridal
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Lucky Elephant Floral Stud Earrings Gold Tone Stunning
Vintage White Floral Cloisonné Enamel Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Black Cloisonné Bangle Bracelet Thick Colorful Floral Enamel Oriental
Vintage Enamel Cloisonne Floral Design Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet
Colorful cloisonne floral scarf ring,cloisonne enamel jewelry, cloisonné enamel vintage,scarf ring vintage,satin scarf, designer scarf
Vintage Floral Pattern Enamel Cloisonne Bangle
VTG Cloisonne Enamel Floral Dangle Gold Earrings
Vintage Butterfly Earrings Floral Cloisonne Earrings 1990s Cloisonné Red Green Gold Enamel Floral Enamel Earrings Floral Post Stud Earrings
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Butterflies Floral Hinged Bangle
Cloisonné Purple Enamel Cloisonné Pendant Floral Vintage
Vintage Chinese Export Cloisonne Knotted Floral Bead Jewelry set, Cloisonné Enamel Jewelry
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet 8
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Floral Black Bangle Bracelet 7.5"
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“vintage cloisonne floral enamel”
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Black Floral Bracelet, Cloisonne, Oriental Bracelet, Chinese Bracelet, Cloisonne Bangle Bracelet, Enamel, Summer
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Hinged Bangle Bracelet, 7.5", Gold Tone Floral Design
Vintage enamel Cloisonne Aqua blue floral bracelet
Antique Cloisonné Floral Enamel/ Brass Footed Trinket Box
Floral Cloisonne Enamel Spring Hinge Vintage Bracelet
Vintage Floral Butterfly Cloisonne Scarf Slide Black Enamel
Vintage white floral cloisonné enamel bangle bracelet
Vintage Cloisonne Bangle Floral on Black Enamel
Vintage white floral cloisonné enamel bangle bracelet
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Floral Dangle Earr
Cloisonne Floral Enamel Vintage Triangle Earrings
Vintage Floral Cloisonne Enamel Spring Hinge Bracelet
Vintage Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet
Vintage White Floral Cloisonné Enamel Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Cloisonne Floral Enamel Pendant 24" Necklace
Vintage Cloisonné Bangle // Old Cloisonne Bracelet // Floral Cloisonné Blue Orange Green Enamel on Brass
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Pendant With Gold-Tone Trim
Vintage Cloisonné Blue Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Laurel Burch Floral Cloisonne Enamel Earrings
Vintage Chinese Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet
Cloisonne Enamel Floral Vintage Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Floral Cloisonne Enamel Bangle Bracelet
Vintage Butterfly Floral Enamel Cloisonne Earrings Clip On 1 inch Oval
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet 8"
Vintage Enamel Floral Heart Pendant in Cloisonne Style
Vintage Violet Floral Brooch With Cloisonne Enamel
Vintage Japanese Cloisonne Bracelet Floral Enamel Link Bracelet
Vintage Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Drop Earrings
Vintage Large Enamel Floral Beaded Hand Knotted Cloisonne Necklace, Chinese Cloisonne Blue Floral Beaded Necklace, Cloisonne Beads, Necklace
Antique Silver Cloisonne Enamel Floral Design Pill Box
Vintage Cloisonné Necklace Bead Enamel Floral Gold Black Cloisonne 28-in
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Flower Floral Stud Earrings
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet, 7", Blue Multi-Color, Snap Closure
Pretty Vintage Cloisonne Floral Bracelet Enamel Hinged
Vintage segmented bone cloisonne floral enamel link bracelet, bone jewelry, Chinese cloisonne enamel bracelet
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Heart Trinket Pill Box Floral
Vintage Floral Butterfly Cloisonne Scarf Slide Black Enamel
Vintage Bird Floral Chinese Cloisonné Enamel Necklace with Brown Tassel
Vintage Cloisonne Enamel Reddish Floral Bangle
Cloisonné Enamel Bead Floral Motif Drop Earrings, 1960s
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Flower Floral Stud Earrings
VINTAGE Austria CLOISONNE - Floral enamel on floral ring 6.5
Vintage Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet Multicolor Design
Cloisonne Bangle Enamel Blue Floral Bracelet vintage .
Vintage Turquoise Floral Enamel Cloisonné Bracelet
Cloisonne Floral Enamel Bangle Bracelet Vintage
Vintage Chinese Cloisonné Enamel Floral Bangle Bracelet